Advergic’s Branded Video Player


Video advertising matters and Advergic’s one-liner JS script connects your video inventory to a robust video ad server, allowing you to serve video ads with any tag (VPAID, VAST, IMA, etc.) in any format, on any platform. It enables you to run all of your Direct or Programmatic Video campaigns without worrying about the complicated setup and the huge server costs.

What is Advergic’s Branded Video Player?

In today’s digital age, video content is more popular than ever. And as a website owner, you want to make sure that you are taking advantage of this trend to monetize your website. One way to do this is by incorporating video advertising into your website, and that’s where Advergic’s “Video Ad Branded Player” comes in.

What is Advergic’s Video Ad Branded Player?

Advergic’s Video Ad Branded Player is a powerful tool that allows you to connect your website’s video inventory to a robust video ad server. This enables you to serve video ads with any tag (VPAID, VAST, IMA, etc.) in any format, on any platform. The player also allows you to run all of your Direct or Programmatic Video campaigns without worrying about the complicated setup and the huge server costs.

How Our Video Ad Branded Player Can Help

Our Video Ad Branded Player can help you monetize your website in several ways. Some of the key benefits of our player include:

  • Increased revenue: By incorporating video advertising into your website, you can increase your revenue potential by serving ads to a captive audience.
  • Increased engagement: Video ads tend to be more engaging than traditional banner ads, which means that users are more likely to watch and interact with your ads.
  • Easy integration: Our one-liner JS script makes it easy to integrate our player into your website, so you can start monetizing your video inventory quickly and easily.
  • Customizable design: The player can be customized to match your website’s design and branding, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Advanced analytics: Our player provides you with detailed analytics and reporting on the performance of your video ads, so you can optimize your campaigns for better performance.


In summary, Advergic’s Video Ad Branded Player is a powerful tool that can help you monetize your website by incorporating video advertising into your website. Our player is easy to integrate, customizable, and provides you with advanced analytics and reporting, so you can optimize your campaigns for better performance. Contact us today to learn more about how our Video Ad Branded Player can help you monetize your website.

Consult now for free

Connect your website’s video inventory to a robust video ad server.


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100% Transparency

Long Term Incremental Revenue

Brilliant AdOps & Tech Team

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Custom Header Bidding

Lazily loading ads to improve viewability

Smart Refreshes

AdX integration within your existing Ad Manager

Programmatic Guaranteed Deals